Within the past year, we have moved into two new target sectors, large residential and later living, whilst strengthening our offering through in-house 3D Visualisations and Interior Design. Further we saw the completion of several projects and a couple more starting on site, which we cannot wait to share with you next year. We have also started to expand our certifications with Ashley and Gavin currently studying for their Well Buildings Standards and Passivhaus accreditations respectively. This will continue to expand our knowledge as a practice and expertise, offering more value for our clients.
With the ever more critical issue of Climate Change, it is our goal to focus more on our carbon footprint impact and LEED practices across all our projects, which we can implement to do better.
Becoming a peer within the RIBA North West Emerging Practice Forum, we were also able to establish a platform with other emerging practice in the area allowing us to share and learn from one another; with an aim to make to profession stronger as we emerge out of these challenging times.